Cats and Hair

You see, when the cat wants to sit on you, you have to stay seated until the cat wants to get up. This is rule number two in cat ownership. (Rule number one involves an incredible amount of food and a timely feeding schedule.)

I feel like if the world generally understood rule number two, then cat people would have a much easier time of it. Late to the dentist? You can simply explain that the cat had chosen you and did not decide to get up until a bit past your appointment time. If the dentist has further questions, you can always flash them a cat pic, which would explain everything.

You can’t move your legs until the cat is finished with you. It matters not if your legs get stiff or if you need to get up and do something. You just have to wait it out. Because you were the chosen one and that makes you special. You must always try to sit worthy of your lofty assignment.

The cat got up now, so I can think of other things besides the fact that my legs were almost numb. (My cat is not small, thanks to rule number one.)

I’m making great progress on Somewhat Unreal. If I’m able to keep to my current pacing, I’m on track to finish the first draft within the next four to six weeks. Writing a book from scratch always takes longer than I think it will, but I also always feel a greater sense of motivation once I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I know that soon I’ll get to share it with people.

Pretty soon here, I’m going to go ahead and put up some fall decorations in my house. It’s only September, but it’s miserably hot still, so adding some pumpkins might help the weather to have more chill. Maybe the oppressive heat will see my Halloween stuff and realize it’s no longer welcome.

To be clear, I don’t like the cold either, but I just want some sort of happy medium between the two. Is that so much to ask?

In other news that I’m sure will be of general interest to absolutely everyone, I’ve been thinking about making some sort of major change to my hair. I don’t know what yet. And I may back out of it altogether. But maybe it should be shorter. Or more layery. Or straighter or curlier. I have wavy 2A hair which has been the bane of my existence all my life.

Last year, I experimented with the curly girl method, but some of the routines just seemed like way too much work. I don’t want to follow a fourteen-step plan every wash day. I want to roll out of bed, run a brush or comb through my hair, and get on with my life.

I used to straighten my hair pretty regularly. It looks good straight, but is it really worth the time? And sometimes…I just don’t know if it matters. Why put all the time and effort into my hair when no one really cares?

But at the same time, part of me is like…dye it red or cotton candy. Get a crazy haircut that I’ve never tried before. I want a huge change, but I want the change to be simple and easy and not take any more time or maintenance than what I’m used to now, which is very little.

I suppose that’s how it always goes with change. You want things to be completely new and exciting and different, while still keeping your old routines and the things you find comfortable. Oh well.

Feel free to drop me hair suggestions in the comments!



