
You’ll be glad to hear that the bear cams for Fat Bear Week have been picking up lately. The season is off to a very slow start, but lately, anytime I turn on the bear cam, I can see at least one or two bears doing bear things, so that’s a good feeling. The bears are starting to catch fish, too.

I like the look on their faces when they tear into a salmon. They just look so happy and satisfied and proud and they don’t care if they are messy eaters or anything.

And just so you know—they are messy eaters.

I recently stayed up way too late finishing Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson. I loved it. It was kinda weird at times, but definitely entertaining and satisfying. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, I definitely recommend it, especially if you are a fan of the Cosmere at all.

We also went to see Elemental in theaters. You all know of my quest to single-handedly kill the movie theater industry, I’m sure. You see, as a millenial, I have the power to kill any industry of my choosing. And I choose the movie theater industry.

I love movies, but I drastically prefer watching them at home, where it won’t be freezing cold and I can pause it as needed and there won’t be anybody talking through the whole movie, (at least it would be my own family members, to whom I could politely request to desist), and best of all, at home, I can watch with my cat, who likes to sit with me during films. She’s artsy like that.

But we made an exception for Elemental because we were traveling and needed something to do and the air quality was somewhat poor, if I recall correctly.

And I loved it. I know critics are critical of it, but I thought it was a beautiful world with a compelling story and just really fun to watch.

That’s really all I want from movies. Something fun to watch. We also recently watched Avatar 2: The Way of Water from the comfort of our home, and I thought it was just okay. Visually stunning, and I liked the water people, but imagine if they just got rid of the whole military/war aspect and just let us spend two hours watching fun Pandoran things! It would have been more fun.

Well, I’m going now to get back to work on finishing Somewhat Unreal, since I know everyone is eagerly awaiting its release. Also, my cat says hi!


Los Osos


Summer Travels