Summer Travels

Summer is always such a busy time. I always think it’s going to be slow and easy since the kids are out of school and everything should be more relaxed. But once you toss on vacations and camps, it kinda goes by before you know it.

We recently got back from spending two weeks in Vermont, which is lovely this time of year. I do not recommend it in the winter, because the cold really does bother me anyway.

But we had a fun time. It was packed with little side excursions, like our weekend in Quebec City, plus a visit to Storyland in New Hampshire, which was a hoot. I’m a big Disney fan, so Storyland was kind of funny because so many of their rides were sort of, kind of like Disney rides, but also really not, if you know what I mean.

We did a few things that were too sporty for me, like a baseball game and car racing. I brought a book, so it wasn’t too bad. I don’t know why I’ve always hated sports. I guess I just can’t seem to care. Maybe if I get into sports betting. Then I’d care greatly about the outcome!

Car racing is quite loud. If I ever go there again, I’m going to need some serious noise-blocking headphones. My little Airpods were not up for the challenge. Also, not sure if this is normal or not, but the cars crashed a lot. It was odd because I had assumed they were professional racecar drivers. Though it didn’t seem like anyone got hurt, so maybe that’s the skilled part of it—being able to crash without hurting yourself or others?

Oh well. At any rate, I am glad to be home. I didn’t get as much writing done while we were traveling, which makes sense and is fine, but I always like to feel productive and get things done. I also like our normal lives and daily routines. There’s just something very comfortable about being home.

In book news, drafting Somewhat Unreal continues to go well. It always kind of surprises me when I write something and it comes out differently than I thought it would. It’s my own creation, yet sometimes the story gets unwieldy and goes in weird places. Usually, it’s for the better. And if it isn’t, it generally gets sorted out during editing anyway.

I used to try to split my time more evenly among all my works in progress, but then my husband pointed out that if I keep doing that, they all will get done in as long a time as possible, which is certainly true, although I hadn’t really thought it through until he said it. So now, I’m focusing most of my effort on getting Somewhat Unreal done as quickly as possible. But also as good as possible. We’ll see!




A Tale of Two Pastas